
Showing posts from November, 2023

Hubble Telescope Provides Crystal Clear images of the Rarest Metallic Asteroid Worth $10,000,000,000,000,000,000

A very rare metallic asteroid is hiding between Mars and Jupiter, and it’s worth more than the entire global economy, according to researchers and observers.  Recently, the Hubble Space Telescope gave researchers a closer look at the space object, worth an estimated $10,000 quadrillion according to the mission’s leader at Arizona State University, CBS reported. A new study published in The Planetary Science Journal examines the asteroid ’16 Psyche’, which is one of the most massive objects in the solar system’s main asteroid belt. 16 Psyche orbits between Mars and Jupiter, about 230 million miles from the Earth. It measures about 140 miles in diameter — approximately the size of Massachusetts.  A new study has given us a closer look at 16 Psyche, a rare metallic asteroid worth an estimated $10,000,000,000,000,000,000 — CNN International (@cnni) October 31, 2020 Typically asteroids are made of rocks or ice. But what sets 16 Psyche apar

NASA’s Juno Spacecraft Beams Back The Sharpest Images Of Jupiter—Ever

NASA's Juno probe performed its 43rd close flyby of Jupiter on July 5, 2022, analyzing the intricate hues and structure of the giant planet's clouds. These two photos were generated by citizen scientist Björn Jónsson using raw data from the JunoCam instrument aboard the spacecraft. When the raw photograph was acquired, Juno was roughly 3,300 miles (5,300 kilometres) above Jupiter's cloud tops at a latitude of about 50 degrees. The north is rising. At the moment, the spacecraft was flying at around 130,000 mph (209,000 kilometres per hour) relative to the earth. The first image (on the left) was altered to depict the colours seen by the human eye from Juno's vantage point. Jónsson digitally altered the second image (right) to boost colour saturation and contrast, sharpen small-scale features, and minimise compression artefacts and noise that are frequent in raw photographs. This vividly exposes some of Jupiter's most remarkable features, including colour variation du

This Simple 3-Minute Animation Will Change Your Perception Of Time Forever

Everybody knows that Earth is old, but it’s quite hard to put into perception just how old it is. In the end, what do 4.5 billion years *actually* mean? How do you even grasp that amount of time with our short-term human brains?  Well, Business Insider has finally done a pretty unbelievable job of it in this 3-minute simulation, by showing the timeline of Earth if time was the distance from Los Angeles to New York. And, oh boy, our world-view will never be the same.

NASA Admits Alcubierre Drive Initiative: Faster Than The Speed Of Light

In order to explore the prospect of travelling faster than the speed of light, NASA is now developing the first real-world test. The Alcubierre Drive, developed by Harold White and his NASA team, revolutionised the perception that travelling faster than light was only possible in science fiction. Even if special relativity may be valid, we might not require a vehicle that can move at the speed of light in order to travel faster or at that speed. The answer might lie in putting a craft inside a space that is travelling faster than light! As a result, the craft itself does not need a propulsion system that can propel it at the speed of light. It’s easier to think about if you think in terms of a flat escalator in an airport. The escalator moves faster than you are walking! In this case, the space encompassing the ship would be moving faster than the ship could fly, keeping all the matter of the ship intact. Therefore, we can move faster than light, in a massless cloud of space-time. What

Super-Earth Ross 508b: There Might Be Signs Of Life Just 37 Light Years Away!

Many of us have asked themselves, " Are we alone in this universe? " While humanity does not yet have definitive answers to this question, scientists are continuously on the search for indicators that could hint to the existence of extraterrestrial life. And what better way to begin than by looking for other Earth-like planets that may be capable of supporting life? There has recently been a considerable influx of study into exoplanets, albeit the reason for these investigations varies across organisations. Some are simply looking for an answer to the alien life mystery, while others are looking for a second home for us Earthlings. We may have some good news for all you exoplanet fans now. The Subaru Strategic Program, launched in 2007 to deliver remarkable scientific results utilising Japan's Subaru Telescope, has assisted in the discovery of a super-Earth skimming the outskirts of a red dwarf star's habitable zone, just 37 light-years from our home planet! Home away

It’s Official: Astronomers Have Discovered another Earth

NASA's Kepler Space Telescope detected an Earth-like planet circling a neighbouring star in our galaxy's Goldilocks zone. Kepler-186f is located in the Cygnus constellation around 500 light-years from Earth. The habitable zone, also known as the Goldilocks zone, is the region of space around a star where planetary-mass objects with sufficient atmospheric pressure can support liquid water on their surfaces. While it is estimated that there are at least 40 billion Earth-sized planets surrounding our Milky Way Galaxy, this is the first Earth-sized planet identified in another star's habitable zone. In addition to Kepler-186f, the Kepler-186f system contains four more planets that orbit a neighbouring star. This indicates that if the planet's neighbouring star is similar to our Sun, the possibility of life on this planet increases enormously. "We know of only one planet on which life may exist - Earth." "When we seek for life outside our solar system, we focu

NASA’s Future Spaceships Will Travel At 1 Million Miles Per Hour

Two highly promising concepts are being funded by the NASA Institute for Advanced Concepts (NIAC). In terms of ISP and power levels, the new ion drives could have been five times better. The development of multi-megawatt ion engines and antimatter propulsion is ongoing. Propulsion and Speed in Space What is the fastest spacecraft we have made? Voyager 1 is travelling at a speed of 38,000 mph (61,000 km/h). Both a gravitational slingshot and a chemical rocket were mostly used to accomplish this. Using gravitational boosts, the Juno, Helios I, and Helios II spacecraft attained speeds in the 150,000 mph range. The Sun's gravity will let the recently launched Parker Solar Probe travel at 430,000 miles per hour. Gravitational acceleration can increase the speed of a spacecraft by many times. However, using the gravity of Jupiter and the Sun to get more speed waste a lot of time. The spacecraft take many months to go around the Sun and get speed before starting the real mission. Best Che

Watch: Something Escaped A Black Hole at almost the Speed of Light and NASA Recorded It

A black hole that is ejecting hot material into space at almost the speed of light has been seen by astronomers. The distance between a black hole and its partner star is 10,000 light-years. The MAXI J1820 + 070 system is created when these two cosmic objects come together. The hot material was observed by NASA's Chandra x-ray telescope exiting the black hole at almost the speed of light. The Chandra Space Telescope of NASA captured video of a black hole ejecting hot material into space at nearly the speed of light. According to the researchers, the black hole in the MAXI J1820 + 070 system has a mass around eight times that of the sun, indicating that it is a stellar-sized black hole formed by the collapse of a massive star. Supermassive black holes, on the other hand, have millions or billions of times the mass of the sun. The companion star orbiting the black hole has almost the same mass as the sun. The immense gravity of the black hole drags the companion star’s material towar

94% of the universe’s galaxies are permanently beyond our reach

The universe is expanding, with every galaxy beyond the Local Group speeding away from us. Today, most of the universe's galaxies are already receding faster than the speed of light. All galaxies currently beyond 18 billion light-years are forever unreachable by us, no matter how much time passes. Our universe is full of stars and galaxies everywhere and in all directions. From our vantage point, we observe up to 46.1 billion light years away. Our visible universe contains an estimated ~ 2 trillion galaxies. However, most of them are already permanently unavailable for us. As the universe expands, the distance between any unbound objects increases over time. Beyond distances of ~ 14.5 billion light years, the expansion of space is pushing galaxies away faster than light can travel. Over time, the rate of expansion will still decrease, but it will remain positive and large due to the dark energy. Dark energy, inherent in the space itself, never diminishes even as the universe expand

Astronomers find hidden galaxies at the edge of space and time

A team of researchers unintentionally discovered two hidden galaxies at the frontier of space and time. A group of scientists discovered and has now identified two hidden galaxies at the frontier of space and time. Yoshinobu Fudamoto, an astronomer from Waseda University's Research Institute for Science and Engineering and the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan (NAOJ), led the team that made the discovery using the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) in Chile. ALMA is an astronomical interferometer made up of 66 radio telescopes that can see through dusty conditions and over extremely long distances. The scientists discovered the two new galaxies while watching two target galaxies called REBELS-12 and REBELS-29. The scientists discovered strong emissions hundreds of light-years away from the target galaxies. This discovery prompted the researchers to conduct additional observations, which resulted in the identification of two galaxies known as REBELS-12-2