
Showing posts from July, 2023

Alien Planet Outside Our Solar System Is Sending Repeating Radio Signals Towards Earth, Scientists Say

In a major breakthrough for the search for extraterrestrial life, scientists have detected repeating radio signals from an Earth-like planet outside our solar system. The signals, which were detected by the Breakthrough Listen project, are coming from a planet called YZ Ceti, which is located about 130 light-years from Earth. The discovery of these signals is a major step forward in the search for alien life. It is the first time that scientists have detected repeating radio signals from an Earth-like planet. The signals are also very strong, which suggests that they could be coming from an intelligent civilization. The Breakthrough Listen Project The Breakthrough Listen project is a global effort to search for extraterrestrial life using radio telescopes. The project is funded by the Breakthrough Initiatives, a foundation established by Yuri Milner, Stephen Hawking, and Mark Zuckerberg. The Breakthrough Listen project has been using a variety of radio telescopes to search for extrater

Conspiracy Theorists Claim The Large Hadron Collider Transferred Us Into A Parallel Universe In Latest Experiment

The largest particle accelerator in the world was restarted after three years of modifications and maintenance, and it quickly made its first observations of three exotic particles. Now operational, the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) is shattering records for the highest energetic particle collisions ever carried out. The teams engaged are looking for evidence of dark matter as well as additional details on the so-called "god particle," the Higgs Boson. Naturally, some conspiracy theorists are worried that the collider would create a portal to hell or a parallel universe from which there is no way back. Conspiracy theories about CERN have long been widespread, ranging from the construction of black holes to human sacrifices on the property. The theories this year have all revolved around the opening of a doorway to another dimension, so it looks that the conspiracy theorists have been watching a bit too much Doctor Strange and the Multiverse of Madness. This is my new favorite c

Titan, The Farthest World Where A Human Ship Has Actually Touched Down

The celestial body most similar to Earth in the solar system was visited by the Huygens probe after a journey of more than 7 years. What did they find and what else is there to discover there? Ever since man ventured into space, he has sent his technology to many corners of the solar system. Before the end of the 20th century, our probes had already touched the surfaces of Mars and Venus, but it would not be until 2005 that a spacecraft would land on the most distant world to date: Titan, Saturn's largest moon. The protagonist of the feat was the Huygens probe, designed by the European Space Agency (ESA) and launched into space on October 15, 1997, as part of the Cassini-Huygens mission (orbiter and landing probe, respectively). The objective of this joint project with NASA and the Italian Space Agency (ASA) was to get to know Saturn in depth: its rings, climates, geology and dozens of moons. But the Huygens instrument pointed to the most gigantic Saturnian satellite of all. Why is

BREAKING: New Research Reveals 68 Percent of the Universe May Not Actually Exist

According to the Lambda Cold Dark Matter (Lambda-CDM) model, which is the current accepted standard for how the universe began and evolved, the ordinary matter we encounter every day only makes up around five percent of the universe's density, with dark matter comprising 27 percent, and the remaining 68 percent made up of dark energy, a so-far theoretical force driving the expansion of the universe. But a new study has questioned whether dark energy exists at all, citing computer simulations that found that by accounting for the changing structure of the cosmos, the gap in the theory, which dark energy was proposed to fill, vanishes. Published in 1915, Einstein's general theory of relativity forms the basis for the accepted origin story of the universe, which says that the Big Bang kicked off the expansion of the universe about 13.8 billion years ago. The problem is, the equations at work are incredibly complicated, so physicists tend to simplify parts of them so they're

BREAKING🚨: Astronomers just discovered 1 million new galaxies, previously unknown to astronomy, in just 300 hours

  In under 300 hours, the world-renowned CSIRO telescope in Australia surveyed the whole southern sky in amazing detail and record time, discovering 3 million previously unseen galaxies. The feat, announced on December 1 by Australia's national science organisation CSIRO, has swiftly made headlines throughout the world for developing a new atlas of the universe. According to the researchers, as many as 1 million of these distant galaxies may be previously unknown to astronomy, and this is likely just the beginning. Because of the success of this first study, CSIRO scientists are already planning additional in-depth observations in the future years. Previous telescopic all-sky surveys of the galaxy took years and tens of thousands of photographs to complete. The telescope, known as the Australian Square Kilometre Array Pathfinder (ASKAP), is a cluster of 36 radio dish antennae stretched out over 4,000 square metres in the Western Outback that work together to stitch together high-re

BREAKING: James Webb Space Telescope just discovered a giant question mark in deep space

The James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) continues to astound scientists and space enthusiasts alike with its remarkable discoveries.  Recently, it captured an image of two actively forming young stars, named Herbig-Haro 46/47, located 1,470 light-years from Earth in the Vela Constellation. However, the most intriguing part of the image is a distant object resembling a giant cosmic question mark. The question mark-shaped object is believed to be a distant galaxy or potentially interacting galaxies. The object's red color in the JWST image indicates that it is quite distant.  This might be the first time astronomers have seen this cosmic question mark, and additional follow-up would be required to determine its nature with any certainty. The JWST, managed by the Space Telescope Science Institute (STScI) in Baltimore, is showing us many new, distant galaxies, opening up a plethora of new scientific possibilities.  Matt Caplan, an assistant professor of physics at Illinois State Universi

Astronomers FINALLY Captured First Ever White Hole!

Many people know about black holes and how terrifying they can be with their unending appetite for swallowing anything that is unfortunate enough to come close!  style="display:block" data-ad-client="ca-pub-9688449139706569" data-ad-slot="3059979275" data-ad-format="auto" data-full-width-responsive="true"> However, many do not know about the counterpart, known as a white hole, which is just as terrifying!  For decades, the existence of white holes has been theoretical, but that has now changed with scientists' first-ever discovery of a white hole!  You can learn more about this in the video below:  style="display:block" data-ad-client="ca-pub-9688449139706569" data-ad-slot="3059979275" data-ad-format="auto" data-full-width-responsive="true">

A Massive Drawing Of A Pen*s That Can Be Seen From Space Proves Humanity Will Never Change

It's difficult not to fantasize about what it might be like if advanced aliens were tuned in to our planet right now, downloading the latest news and gossip in an effort to ascertain the state of our civilization. Hopefully, they will skip over certain aspects, such as the film "Don't Look Up," the present federal government, or the gigantic pen*s now strewn over a portion of Australia. The Geelong Advertiser reports that a very huge phallic drawing has surfaced in the dry lake bed in Bellarine, a rural district of Victoria. It's so large, in fact, that Google Maps has dubbed it the "Aussie Weiner." To be honest, there is a lot that can be seen from space. Our satellites — and even the hand-held camera equipment on board the International Space Station – have improved to the point where we can zoom in on the tiniest details. Having said that, we think it's quite amazing that someone took the time and effort to carve out a sedimentological member big

Stephen Hawking’s Final Research Predicts The End Of The Universe And Existence Parallel Universes

Two weeks before his death, famed scientist Stephen Hawking published a research article predicting parallel universes and along with the end of our own. Hawking and co-author Thomas Hertog published their results in "A Smooth Exit from Eternal Inflation," outlining how scientists may also be able to discover other universes using spaceships. According to Hertog, Hawking completed the work on his deathbed, leaving a legacy worthy of the Nobel Prize. “He has often been nominated for the Nobel and should have won it. Now he never can,” he told the Sunday Times. Hawking uses the "no boundary theory" he developed with physicist James Hartle to explain how the Earth rushed into existence during the Big Bang. According to his view, the Big Bang phenomena was accompanied by several "Big Bangs," so creating multiple worlds. Although it is believed impossible to measure the multiverse, Hawking's last study addressed how these worlds may be located using a space

Astronomers Discovered An Object Traveling At 99.99999999999999999999951% Of The Speed Of Light

This new discovery is amazing as adds so  much to our understanding of the Universe. One of the most entertaining names that I’ve come across in the physics sector is the “Oh My God Particle.” Scientists also refer to this  particle as the “ermahgerd particle” (kidding, kidding. It’s not really called that, but it is called the “Oh My God Particle”).  Now, the first thing that may pop into some of your minds is the Higgs Boson, which was discovered in 2012. T This isn’t too surprising as the media went around calling it the “God Particle.” However, these two particles are very different.  So what is the Oh My God Particle? Well it is a simple, lowly proton. So why the name? This proton had the effective mass-energy of a baseball traveling at 90 km/h (56 mph)! This type of particle is known as a cosmic ray, they’re generally just protons but can sometimes be a Helium atom or even an electron. What makes them so interesting is that they’re traveling very near the speed of light, and the

All of the bases in DNA and RNA have now been discovered in meteorites that fell to Earth

In a groundbreaking discovery, scientists have found all five bases that store information in DNA and RNA in meteorites that fell to Earth within the last century.  These nucleobases - adenine, guanine, cytosine, thymine, and uracil - combine with sugars and phosphates to make up the genetic code of all life on Earth. The discovery adds to the growing body of evidence suggesting that life's precursors may have originated from space. Adenine, guanine, and other organic compounds have been detected in meteorites since the 1960s. Hints of uracil have also been observed, but cytosine and thymine remained elusive until now.  The recent discovery was made possible by a new technique developed by geochemist Yasuhiro Oba of Hokkaido University in Sapporo, Japan, and his colleagues. This method gently extracts and separates different chemical compounds in liquified meteorite dust for analysis. The researchers used this technique to analyze samples from four meteorites that fell decades ago

NASA Admits To Discovering 'Something Weird' Happening To Our Universe

According to NASA, the Hubble Space Telescope has hit a new milestone in its efforts to determine how rapidly the universe is expanding, and it strongly suggests that something weird is occurring in our universe. style="display:block" data-ad-client="ca-pub-2375157903127664" data-ad-slot="7629783868" data-ad-format="auto" data-full-width-responsive="true"> In the past few years,astronomers have used telescopes such as Hubble to determine how fast our universe is expanding. However, when those measurements became more exact, they revealed something unusual. When comparing data from soon after the Big Bang to the pace of expansion of the universe as it is now, there is a significant difference. Scientists have been unable to explain the discrepancy. However, it shows that "something weird" is going on in our cosmos, which might be the product of undiscovered, new physics, according to NASA. Hubble has

Andromeda, The Galaxy That Will Collide With The Milky Way, Is Already Visible To The Naked Eye In The Sky

Andromeda is on a collision course with our galaxy. Now begins the best time of year to capture it with the naked eye. This is what Andromeda galaxy will look like in the night sky if it were brighter. Our galaxy, the Milky Way, and its neighbor twice its size, Andromeda, are on a collision course. Both are approaching each other at a speed of 113 kilometers per second due to gravitational pull, and although they are expected to collide in 4.5 billion years, their outer layers have already begun to merge . Meanwhile, people on Earth have the opportunity to observe Andromeda, also known as Messier 31 , with the naked eye.  From mid-August to November, the spiral galaxy appears in the night sky of both hemispheres of our planet. Despite being located 2.5 million light-years away, Andromeda occupies a quarter of a degree in the sky. This is equal to half the width of a full moon, according to NASA. Andromeda Galaxy in a clear sky with no light pollution. Photo: Earth Sky When will the And

NASA Just Discovered A Planet That Defies All Logic

style="display:block" data-ad-client="ca-pub-9688449139706569" data-ad-slot="3059979275" data-ad-format="auto" data-full-width-responsive="true"> J1407b іs one of the ѕtrangeѕt рlanets іdentіfіed by ѕcientiѕtѕ. Thіs іs Sаturn on ѕteroidѕ, loсated аpproximаtely 434 lіght-years from Eаrth. Aѕtronomerѕ ѕtudying thіs ѕtrange globe ѕtruggled to сorreсtly сalсulate іts mаss. Stіll, іt’s eѕtimated to be between 10 аnd 40 Juрiter mаsses. J1407b іs lіkewіse а mаssive рlanet, ѕignificantly lаrger thаn the lаrgest рlanet іn our ѕolar ѕyѕtem. In our queѕt for а new home, humаns hаve аlwаys looked for рlanets thаt mіght ѕupport lіfe. But аs аstronomers were dіscoverіng new worldѕ, they dіscovered ѕome of the weіrdest рlanets where lіfe іs dіffіcult to іmagіne. There аre ѕome рlanets thаt аre H๏τter thаn the Sun, whіle otherѕ аre lаrger thаn theіr ѕtarѕ. Whаt аre mаrshmаllow рlanets? Cheсk out our lіst of the moѕt mіnd-blo

BREAKING: An Extremely Rare Green Comet Is Visiting Earth And You Can See it Withy Naked Eye

The 6km-wide space sphere (known as 96P/Machholz 1) is thought to have come from somewhere outside the Solar System and is being tracked by the Sun's Solar and Heliosphere Observatory (SOHO) spacecraft. The European Space Agency (ESA) as it sped toward Earth inside Mercury's orbit, leaving an icy trail in its path. Comet tails are mainly composed of gas, which flows behind blocks of ice and frozen gas as they are heated by the Sun's radiation. In 2008, an analysis of material released by 150 comets revealed that 96P/Machholz 1 contained less than 1.5% of the expected levels of the chemical cyanogen, while also being low in carbon-making The astronomers concluded that it could be an interstellar object from another Solar System. Now, its plunge towards the Sun could reveal even more of its secrets. "96P is an atypical comet, both in composition and behavior, so we never know exactly what we might see. Hopefully we can get some insights. great science from this and shar

Titan, The Farthest World Where A Human Ship Has Actually Touched Down

The celestial body most similar to Earth in the solar system was visited by the Huygens probe after a journey of more than 7 years. What did it find when it landed there? Artist's impression of methane rich lakes on the Farthest World where a human made spacecraft has landed. (Jurik Peter/Shutterstock) Ever since man ventured into space, he has sent the technology to many corners of the solar system. Before the end of the 20th century, our probes had already touched the surfaces of Mars and Venus, but it would not be until 2005 that a spacecraft would land on the most distant world to date: Titan, Saturn's largest moon. The protagonist of the feat was the Huygens probe, designed by the European Space Agency (ESA) and launched into space on October 15, 1997, as part of the Cassini-Huygens mission (orbiter and landing probe, respectively). According to astronomers, Titan has similar conditions to Earth in its first years of life. Photo: ESA / NASA / JPL / University of Arizona Th