
Showing posts from June, 2023

Lost Weather Balloon GoPro Found Two Years Later with Incredible Footage of Earth from Space

style="display:block" data-ad-client="ca-pub-2375157903127664" data-ad-slot="9162389554" data-ad-format="auto" data-full-width-responsive="true"> In June 2014, five friends in Arizona planned to send a GoPro, a camcorder, and a phone up in a weather balloon to record some footage of space. Bryan Chan, Ved Chirayath, Ashish Goel, Paul Tarantino, and Tyler Reid, all college students, built their gadget, calculated its trajectory, registered with the FAA to avoid interfering with passing planes, and then launched the balloon in the desert a few miles outside of Tuba City. style="display:block" data-ad-client="ca-pub-2375157903127664" data-ad-slot="9162389554" data-ad-format="auto" data-full-width-responsive="true"> They intended to use GPS on the attached smartphone to track the balloon’s movement, but as the device floated out of the

BREAKING NEWS: Scientists Have Discovered The Background Hum of The Universe

The Cosmic Symphony: The Hum of the Universe In a groundbreaking discovery, physicists worldwide have detected a signal in pulsars' timing, indicating the presence of long-wavelength gravitational waves, or the hum of the Universe.  This discovery, though not definitive, has a 99 percent chance of being significant, marking a major milestone in our understanding of the Universe. Pulsars: The Key to Uncovering the Hum Pulsars, neutron stars that rotate rapidly and emit precisely timed signals, played a pivotal role in detecting the hum of the Universe. By studying 115 pulsars over 18 years, scientists were able to compile evidence of a large gravitational wave. This innovative use of pulsars as cosmic detectors showcases the ingenuity of the scientific community. The Source of the Hum The hum of the Universe, or the gravitational wave background, could be caused by several massive events in the Universe. The most likely source is supermassive black holes, whose mergers should fill t

NASA Warns of ‘Internet Apocalypse’ That Will Leave People Offline for Months

In a startling revelation, NASA has warned of a potential 'Internet Apocalypse' that could occur within the next decade. The Threat of an 'Internet Apocalypse' This catastrophic event, triggered by a solar storm, could force people to go offline for months or even years. The term 'Internet Apocalypse' refers to a scenario where our communication networks, including the internet, are severely disrupted or completely shut down due to a powerful solar storm. Understanding Solar Storms and Their Impact Solar storms, which are intense bursts of radiation and solar wind released from the Sun, can have significant impacts on Earth's communication networks. As the Sun goes through its 11-year cycle, it reaches a peak known as the solar maximum. During this phase, the Sun releases more solar flares and coronal mass ejections (CMEs), which can disrupt electrical and communication systems on Earth.  The 'Internet Apocalypse' would not only disconnect us from th

Alien Planet Outside Our Solar System Is Sending Repeating Radio Signals Towards Earth, Scientists Say

In a major breakthrough for the search for extraterrestrial life, scientists have detected repeating radio signals from an Earth-like planet outside our solar system.  Introduction The signals, which were detected by the Breakthrough Listen project, are coming from a planet called YZ Ceti, which is located about 130 light-years from Earth. The discovery of these signals is a major step forward in the search for alien life. It is the first time that scientists have detected repeating radio signals from an Earth-like planet. The signals are also very strong, which suggests that they could be coming from an intelligent civilization. The Breakthrough Listen Project The Breakthrough Listen project is a global effort to search for extraterrestrial life using radio telescopes. The project is funded by the Breakthrough Initiatives, a foundation established by Yuri Milner, Stephen Hawking, and Mark Zuckerberg. The Breakthrough Listen project has been using a variety of radio telescopes to searc

Hopes of Alien Life on Mars Increase After New Satellite Images Reveal Network of Hidden Lakes

Scientists confirmed the discovery of a massive lake of liquid water 20 kilometers in diameter, and reported the discovery of three new saltwater lakes beneath the Martian surface. Thanks to the MARSIS radar of the ESA Mars Express orbiter , a team led by Sebastian Emanuel Lauro and Elena Pettinelli of the University of Roma Tre has confirmed the presence of a complex system of saltwater lakes under the South Martian pole cap. Roberto Orosei. The discovery of the underground, saltwater lakes is a big deal, and scientists say that these bodies of water “ could still retain traces of any forms of life to this day. ” The discovery deepens our understanding of the red planet and helps us better understand what mars were like in the distant past and what the red planet is like today. As it turns out, Mars is a hidden gem, and its most important features are located beneath the surface, hidden from ordinary sight. However, satellite images from various space agencies are helping reveal the

NASA’s $1 Billion Spacecraft Beams Back the Sharpest Images of Jupiter—Ever

Juno flew by Jupiter in March of 2017 skimming 2,700 miles (4,400 kilometers) above Jupiter’s cloud tops while traveling about 129,000 mph (208,000 km/h) relative to the planet, NASA officials said.  Hold my coffee, I can’t stop staring at the images. Is that even real? NASA’s Juno spacecraft is the first solar-powered space probe sent out to study our solar system’s largest planet—Jupiter. Juno’s mission is to orbit the gas giant in polar orbit and study its structure while mapping its gravity and magnetic field. Studying Jupiter will allow experts to better understand large planets discovered across the cosmos. So far—the US$1 billion spacecraft has managed to take an image of Jupiter’s poles for the first time, it has come across really bizarre cloud formations, heard and recorded mysterious auroras, and scanned deep into the planet’s thick cloud tops, doing what no other spacecraft has done before. We’re proud of you Juno. And while science is the most important thing on the missio

Uranus takes a pounding more frequently than thought

  New research reveals that Uranus takes a pounding more frequently than previously thought. Two giant collisions turned Uranus on its side, unraveling the mysteries of its axial tilt and shedding light on planetary evolution. Introduction Uranus Takes a Pounding More Frequently: Unraveling the Mystery The Impact of Two Giant Collisions The Violent Cosmic Dance Unveiling Uranus's Composition A Window into Planetary Dynamics Unraveling the Mysteries of Axial Tilt The Role of Computer Simulations Implications for Exoplanet Research Implications for Exoplanet Research Conclusion Introduction The mysteries of our solar system continue to unfold, and one enigma that has long intrigued scientists is the peculiar tilt of Uranus. Recent research suggests that Uranus takes a pounding more frequently than previously believed, as two colossal collisions during its early formation played a crucial role in tilting the planet on its side. This groundbreaking discovery sheds light on the turbulen

Mars Declared Unsafe For Humans: No one can survive for longer than four years

 A recent research paper by top level researchers from all over the world has been released stating: Mars declared unsafe for humans. Unveiling the Safety Concerns of Long-Term Mars Missions The Four-Year Limit: Mars Declared Unsafe For Humans The Dangers of Prolonged Radiation Exposure The Solar Maximum: A Protective Shield in Space Mission Viability Despite Challenges The Race to Mars: A Global Effort Luxury in Space: Preparing for Human Habitation The Future of Mars Exploration: A Balance of Risk and Reward Unveiling the Safety Concerns of Long-Term Mars Missions Mars, the fourth planet from the sun and our closest celestial neighbor, has been a topic of interest for scientists and space enthusiasts alike for decades. But recent research has led to a startling conclusion: Mars declared unsafe for humans for long-term stays. NASA confirms the discovery of a cosmic object so bright that it defies laws of physics Watch it as a video instead of reading: The

Scientists discover possible connection between human brain and cosmos on a quantum scale

The human brain, with its intricate networks of neurons, has long been a subject of fascination and mystery. Concurrently, the cosmos, with its vastness and complexity, has intrigued scientists and philosophers for centuries. Recent research has begun to explore the possibility that the brain and the cosmos might be connected on a quantum scale. This article will delve into the research paper titled “Quantum transport in fractal networks” and discuss its implications for our understanding of the relationship between the brain and the cosmos. Quantum Transport in Fractal Networks: The Research The research paper “Quantum transport in fractal networks” explores the possibility that the brain and the cosmos are connected through fractal networks. Fractals are self-replicating patterns that can be found in various scales, both in nature and the universe. This study investigates the quantum transport properties of fractals, specifically focusing on how electrons and energy move through thes

A Second Interstellar Visitor Has Arrived in Our Solar System. This Time, Astronomers Think They Know Where It Came From

When ‘Oumuamua passed through our solar system in 2017, no one knew where it came from. Astronomers, on the other hand, think they know how Comet 2I/Borisov got here. Astronomers have found an object from outside our solar system flying through it for the second time in history. But scientists think they know where it came from this time. The interstellar comet was first seen by Gennady Borisov, an amateur astronomer in Crimea who was using his own telescope to look at the sky. When he found it, the object was the first interstellar visitor found since 2017, when the long ‘Oumuamua flashed by our solar neighborhood. In a publication, a group of Polish astronomers figured out how this new comet, called Comet 2I/Borisov or (in earlier descriptions) C/2019 Q4, got to our sun’s gravity well. And that path goes back to Kruger 60, which is a system of two red dwarf stars 13.15 light-years away. Researchers found that Comet Borisov passed just 5.7 light-years from the center of Kruger 60 1 mi

A Repeating Radio Signal Is Coming From Another Earth-Like Planet, Scientists Say

Scientists have spotted a repeating radio signal from a nearby star system that hints at the presence of a magnetic field around one of its Earth-sized planets, reports a new study.  Earth’s magnetic field has played a critical role in the survival of life by shielding the surface from the Sun’s harmful radiation and helping to maintain a stable atmosphere that nourishes our biosphere. For this reason, scientists think that extraterrestrial life, if it exists, might also depend on the presence of robust magnetic fields around exoplanets, which are worlds that orbit other stars. Scientists have previously observed the magnetic fields of giant Jupiter-scale exoplanets interacting with their host stars, as part of a process called magnetic star-planet interactions (SPIs). However, Earth-sized exoplanets give off much weaker magnetic signals compared to gas giants, making it difficult to detect magnetism around rocky worlds. Sebastian Pineda, a research scientist at the University of Color