
Showing posts from July, 2019

Bees Have Been Declared The Most Important Living Being On The Planet

The Earth Watch Institute has declared the  #bees  as the most valuable species in the world in the last debate of the Royal Geographical Society of London. The direct benefits that for life and  #Saludhumana  represent the products made by bees are secret to anyone. But the reality is that we should not stop just thinking about the benefits it brings to our health but assess its most extensive function in the natural chain that is pollination without which life on the planet would definitely be impossible. The bee is the only insect that provides food to humans.  The  #biodiversity  is the process of interaction between living beings and the planet, the relationship between them, and of course, the biological response of the environment to the species. In this process the bee has a vital function since the world agriculture depends on 70% of these insects, said more clearly 70 of every 100 products that we use to feed depend exclusively on the bees. The balance is self-explanatory: Wi